
Showing posts from October, 2005

Up down the Hill of the So-called Mood

Well, well...Another nu post.. Hypocrite Baru-baru ini baca koran tentang sejarah Kongres Pemuda 1928 yang pada akhirnya melahirkan Sumpah Pemuda yang kita kenal sekarang.. and uhm, I'm a bit jealous. Jaman baheula dulu, semangat nasionalisme pemuda2 Indonesia bener2 bikin ngiri, fyi mereka masih bicara dalam bahasa Belanda dan hanya segelintir yang bisa bicara bahasa Melayu. Up to one moment, ada mahasiswa dari Jawa yang permisi ngomong dalam sidang, dan sebelum ngomong dia minta maaf karena tidak bisa menggunakan bahasanya sendiri.. and then he started to speak in Dutch. Lemme rephrase that... dia minta maaf karena belum bisa menggunakan bahasanya sendiri... Is there still any kind of respect these days? To our nation, language and people? Gue jelas-jelas bukan manusia Indonesia yang fanatik terhadap negaranya, no... honestly, I want to get out from this country as soon as possible... lucunya, denger2 dari pengalaman orang, bangsa Indonesia di negeri orang itu cenderung lebih pun...


GIla, gue baru nonton tuh pelem sinting yang judulnya SAW , and if one of you happened to watch it before, please... spare me the umpatan2 indah >_ Elaaaaaaaaaah, gilaaaa, gue benci banget tuh film, and it's not because it was a sucks one, nooo... it was a good thriller psychotic movie... but the ending... AAARGH!!! I hate it!!! It hurted me when I knew who the bad guy really is, but it hurted me MORE when I know the ending!!! $#@%^!!!! Aslilah, banyak umpatan2 'lucu' keluar dari mulut gue pas abis nonton >_ What the peeps???? Sebenernya sih gue kagum, aslilah gue suka ama pelem yang bikin gue ber-"What the???" ria.. tapi aga2 sucks lhooo kalo tau akhirnya itu.... idiiiih, tinggal sejentik doang!!! Seiprit lagi tamat daaah!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGHH!!!!! SPOILER ALERT! Kutu bebek kurang ajar!!! I should've known better when I took notice on the set... I should've AWARE about that stupid STUPID bald guy.... aaaaargh, pengen nyekek oraaang.... >_ G...


Guys, take my advice... Don't get sick! Omigod, dari jaman kapan gue tu paling ngga bisa nelen obat... tau de ya, kayanya pas jamannya SD sempet bisa, tapi entah mengapa (jieh) sekarang ngga bisa lagi.. Gue mutlak benci obat >_ Kalo ngga sakit2 amat gue ngga mau nelen tuh obat, amit-amit... huhuhu.... Mending gue dikasi puyer (ewww...) ato ngga kapsul biar nelennya gampang, yaelah... gue bahkan ngga bisa nelen Panadol >_ Hueeeks..... Tadi di helpdesk gue dengan suksesnya melakonkan adegan ngancurin tablet menjadi puyer biar bisa diminum (mana niat bgt gue pake bawa2 2 sendok segala)... dan btw... tuh obat yaa.. antibiotik baunya minta ampuuun... uuugh... Hueeeks.....


My first attempt on making this horrible banner is that... uhm, when i'm trying to relocate my mind from that stupid, endless effort, thinking about that silly comment Sylvi had made.... aargh, so bloody ridiculous...erase that line this instant, My! EDITED Baru menonton Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants ... and I don't think that's a lousy movie at all =) In fact, I sort of like it =) If you watched this movie, you'll be served a very nice view of Greece, Mexico and US (duh!), and the plot was quite lite, easy to understand and it's sooo girlish =D Hahahaha... but, that's a nice watch, anyway... Trus trus, kemaren menonton Janji Joni , dan dengan semangatnya meng-assign that one to be my paper in Sinematika subject... and that simply because of that one tiny scene inside the trash-cart (don't exactly knowing the real term anyway), the scene where Nicholas Saputra and Rachel Maryam both nyalain pemantik mereka.... Oh so sweet... Dan tadi pas kelas Sinema a...