Harry Potter syndrome
In order to welcome the latest and the last *sob* Harry Potter fiesta this year (yeah well, part 1, that is), I indulge myself into long lost obsession of the cast pictures... you know, like my own version of "Where are they now"-show... Huhuhuhu, gonna miss them so freakin much.. Rupert Grint Now emerge as the hunky-bulky-tally buddy version of Ronald Weasley, he and the other member of the movie had somehow left their cutie innocent self and now appears as a (rather) awkward celebrity persona (or so I said). Anyhow, the left picture (though I'm not really sure whether it has been photoshop-ed or not) is the one represent him the best at Hogwarts. I mean, the movie rarely presents him as a fine young man, maybe because of the red hair, I dunno. But that pic, yumm.. cute! So there you go, the once-adorable Ron Weasley. Daniel Radcliffe Once the uber-cute Harry Potter with a bright blue eyes, round glasses, proportional face and not too big of a head, but ...