Oscar and Biggie Movies
People said pictures worth a thousand words, so what would be better than a bunch of interesting art-defined pictures taken by New York Times to describe my contented movie-watching experience this year? Avatar. One big fantasy movie with detailed art graphic and marvelous creature. The plot line was so-so, but I figured they deserved the recognition. Sam Worthington transformed in this movie, I hardly recognized him once he changed his hairstyle over and over again. Tsk tsk. Up In The Air. Sweet movie! Love the effortless act of George Clooney in this one, especially when his shot was up-close in the picture, great face line, anyway. The Blind Side. Anyone had this one yet? I searched for it like crazy since like 5 months ago but til now I haven't go it... yet.. Inglorious Basterd. Yay, this guy won the Oscar. So happy for him, my all-time favorite for bad guy. Brothers. Again, I haven't got my hand on this one T_T Why is it movies I looked for since half years ago suddenly h...