City Hall (review timeeee)
Like I've mentioned in the previous post, I'm in love with this series. Why? Well, there's a couple of reason: 1. It featured GREAT chemistry between Cha Seung-won and Kim Sun-Ah, or maybe like what my friend once said, "You could actually hold your breath from seeing those characters exchange something as simple as a glance". Great chemistry as in deep love chemistry, not teenager love-story chemistry kind of thing. Great chemistry as in even in real life, you'd enjoy seeing them interact cause they're both so endearing to each other. Great chemistry as in it's about the dreamer vs the realist, what would be better? Great chemistry as in each dialogue, each expression, you could and would feel what they think without them actually saying it, without any third party voices sounding from out of nowhere. Even their eyes can speak, if I must say. Great chemistry as in they could both still behave as fools fell in love, even in their thirties. 2. It ...