Korean Band
Okay, time to indulge my long-lost teenage years once more. After all this time I'm obsessed with Super Junior (and yes, I mean /obsessed/ about basically /everything/ about them!), I went from zero to hero with this group, memorized all their names (13 of them), collecting all of their songs (well, maybe after I filtered it first actually), downloading any reality shows featuring all (or part) of them, keep tracking of their improvement (in which I happily announced that they are now much more mature and ngga malu-maluin), gathering every other artists' video clip that featuring one or more of them (I even took that unimportant SNSD clip entitled Kiss Me purely because there's Donghae in it, geez!), and promised myself to someday watch their concert live for whatever it cost (even if I have to fly to Korea, for God's sake)... NOW finally I have alternative source to obsessed with. Hmm, maybe 'obsessed' is a bit much of definition, since I'm pretty sure I...