Between music, feet and prison
So would you let me be myself.. Reach all my dreams and hopes.. I know you know me better.. I know you love me do... Hmm, Pertama kali denger D'Cinnamons pas jalan di Bandung with my dearest old time friend who's about to gettin married this July *damn you for being so lucky Neneeek!!* Easy listening, Alanis Morisette/The Corrs voice-look-alike, dan on top of that, it's unplugged music , music I seriously love. Sigh. Terutama yang lirik di atas.. I dunno, it just suit my mood these days, hehehe.. Mana abis kebetean mendadak karena satu tim kantor batal outing ke Bandung karena deadline terkutuk, tapi akhirnya belajar untuk nrimo tepo seliro (??) since what can I do anyway? Untung the week before I already travel around that city seharian. Wisata kuliner dadakan di Rumah Nenek, Yoghurt Cisangkuy (thanks to a friend, I learned not to order any Chocolate Yoghurt ._.), Nyonya Rumah, daaaan nikahannya senior kantor gue. Talk about numerous things with this Nenek who's abou...