That is so not true, even when I saw your handwriting on those papers, I still couldn't accept the fact that you actually did it. You divorce me, for crying out loud! What made you think I was quite okay with that??? And here you are, asking for some innocence doubt benefits from me ?! You physchotic, maniac, blood-sucker from other dimension, I never knew why I married you in the first place... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jadi berasa lucu kalo ada adegan di atas terjadi di depan mata gue, maybe I'll laugh, dunno, or maybe I'll just went silent and just watch? Oh, sudahlah, just a random thought =( Anyway, kemaren pas bongkar2 lemari buat nyari catatan Alin yang lama, eeh pas ketemu bawaan gue malah nostalgia2 jalam doeloe kala, hiks, saat2 yang menyenangkan, considering gue banyak kegiatan and banyak ngontek2 sana-sini and talking2 to people. Gue bahkan nemu catatan2 kecil yang biasanya dioper-oper di kelas kalo mau 'chatting...