
Showing posts from April, 2005


Yesterday was quite a new experience when I visit my co-company for my assignment at campus... My emotional part practically went up and down that day...from tears to laughters... Huhuhu, that contact person was such a funny guy, until he came up with the question, "Aw, come on, tell me, why there were only the four of you?? Where's the other one??" Then we're just like, "Err.." and grinning uncertain to each other.. Man, that was tough.. I barely could tell the whole story without sobbing so thank God there were Arnold and Dikey.. And he was so damn shock... yeah, no wonder... And the meeting continued, we're discussing about the modelling design and stuff and then he offered us a job... huhuhu... why does this life become such an irony?? I dunno, he was so easy offering us that chance and though I was so happy, but at the same time I also wasn't so delighted =( My friend didn't get a chance to feel the same thing as we did... duuh, padahal dia ...

dance with my father

Back when I was a child Before life removed all the innocence My father would lift me high And dance with my mother and me and then Spin me around till I fell asleep Then up the stairs he would carry me And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance Another walk, another dance with him I'd play a song that would never, ever end How I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again Sometimes I'd listen outside her door And I'd hear her, mama cryin' for him I pray for her even more than me I pray for her even more than me I know I'm prayin' for much too much But could You send back the only man she loved I know You don't do it usually But Lord, she's dyin' to dance with my father again Every night I fall asleep And this is all I ever dream ~miss my old dad... ~how could I never even missed him before this?

calming down

Sorry to everyone I've been put my anger on.. really didn't mean to =) Sorry, guys... (and kalo ga ada yang berasa, jangan sok berasa de =P) Anyway, this mid exam did a great effort to breakdown my nerve =D It's almost 7pm yet I'm still being around this lab... doing nothing but to read the slides.. boring.. ugh..


Hey, napa polisi2 bertindak lambat sekali???? Apa polisi2 di Indonesia emang dari sononya kaya keong yang ngurusin hal2 ngga penting, ato memang they have their own way to solve a criminal problem??? Gue heran, nih udah seminggu n progressnya masih NGGA ADA, plis de Pak... Hasil visum juga kaga dikasi tau, motif juga blon dapet, keterangan saksi juga ngga dicari, yang ada mereka malah heboh kasus Flash Disknya hilanglah, motif cinta segitigalah (di antara kelompok Anaperancis-nya segala lagi!!!), motif dendam karena ngerebut cewe oranglah... HALOOO..... He's not that kinda guy, for God's sake, maybe you could find such cases in FISIP ato di HUKUM, but not in FASILKOM.. you don't even have TIME to consider a murder just because of some love-stuff... Aaargh, gue kirain polisi bakal lebih canggih-an cara berpikirnya daripada gue yang notabene cuma tau ngetik doang (Oh, iya, jadi inget, gue diinterogasi sejam - dua jam padahal waktu bersih tanya jawab cuman sepuluh menit, d...


I'm scared.. truly scared.. Scared of my friends' safety, scared of my own safety... But beyond those things, I missed Daliu a LOT, he just didn't deserve to die like that. Hate the killer, hate the drugs dealer, hate the whole thing including me myself that day... ~ifOnly.. ---------- Indonesia mode: Gue udah over his departure to heaven kemaren ampe hari ini di Anaperancis gue denger kemungkinan baru itu. Kalo dia emang 'itu', apakah mungkin gue dan the rest of my anaperancis group 'begitu' juga? parno parno parno.... jangan biarkan arnold pulang sendirian malem2 dong...

What a waste

A few days ago, I wasted my tears for sumtin SO NOT IMPORTANT and I regretted it A LOT! Sick! Very sick person he is... ~sebal..


Pope died... camerlengo... conclave.. cardinal... Sounds so damn familiar... What next?? Nuclear reactor?? The end of the world??