Kisah jadul masa Wisuda
THE liSt...(finally)
Can't think for about few seconds, but well....ready or not (as if I care =P)...
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Get over soon with Wisuda
Get another over soon with Koba!Com
Buy chocolate =) (can't wait...)
Buy some gift for friend's b'day
Get some job (well, maybe another years ahead)
STUDY seriously, geez, really hard to do this one, somehow =(
You know what? I think I had to pay more attention on my 'pembokat's' job...geez, it IS a hard thing to do, I almost lose my sense of touching on the tip of my finger =(
Gile aja, bahkan buat ngetik aja pun susah lantaran dari jam 6 pagi tadi udah nyuci2 ngga jelas and meres kaen ampe tepar gini nih tangan gue =`( Parah emang, parah! Koq mau ya pembokat gue kerja ginian? Duh, sakit banget tangan gue, huhuhu =`( padahal sih gue pikir meras2 kaen kaga ada apa2nya dibandingin nyetrika, at least that was the first thing on my mind yesterday when I nyetrika2 baju yang aujubile banyak banget =( man...