
Gue turut berdukacita atas meninggalnya temen kita Haryanto 2001, Minggu jam 6.20 pagi kemaren, just because some damn pencopet di kereta mau nyolong n ngedorong dia ampe jatuh dari kereta. Dunno if the story was true or not, but either both, I hate all pencopet di Kereta! Titik!

And then, I'd like to say 'go to hell' to all of the pickpockets around the Jakarta's railway. May your soul rest in bloody asylum now and forever, burn to rot, you slimy creatures, hate you so much. Begone!

My hand hurt like hell =(
Abis nyuci2 kursi dan sofa di rumah gue, I practically exhausted and 'tepar' di kamar. Man, I worked for almost 3 hrs nonstop!

Anyway, kemaren I got another tip from the hausfrau of my latest student, and I was so happy, yet I spent the money already (again)
Giling, gimana mau ngejalanin niat tulus gue mau ngasih gaji pertama gue ke nyokap kalo tiap kali gue dapet duit langsung gue jajanin?
Well... jajanin perhaps a lil bit overestimate, i actually spent for the sake of my life =D

SpongeBob SquarePants
Episode ke-n

Background story:
SpongeBob dan Patrick melawan Manusia Sinar. The point is they got attacked and got burned to ashes, but not for their mouth and their eyes.

Patrick : Bau apa ini?
SpongeBob : Ini bau kekalahan, Patrick! =(
Patrick : *diam sebentar* Oooh, kukira ini bau kulitku.

I simply laugh. What a cute Patrick =) Thanks to Kevin for telling me the stories.


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